In this issue: Last minute ways to support Youth In Need; holiday light display raises money.
Before You Say, “Happy New Year!”
With less than three weeks before the end of the year, there are still so many ways to help the children, youth and families Youth In Need serves!
Cash Gifts
Whether online, by check, by phone or by Venmo . . . every donation has an impact on the young lives jumpstarted by Youth In Need services! Click here to give.
Holiday Drive
Give hope this holiday season by participating in Youth In Need’s Holiday Drive. Donate an item from our wish list or make a cash donation. More information here.
Donor Advised Funds
If you have a DAF and want to put those dollars to work in 2022, now is the time. And the need for our youth—whether counseling, early learning, basic shelter or transitional living as—couldn’t be greater!
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you haven’t taken the annual required minimum distribution from your IRA yet for 2022, don’t forget donors 70 ½ and older may direct up to $100,000 to a nonprofit without the distribution being a part of your income.
Holiday Lights Shine for Youth In Need
Looking for a spectacular holiday light display to add to your must-see list this year? The Koenemann family has turned their home into an eye-catching holiday light display to benefit Youth In Need. The display, which took hundreds of hours to install, is at the intersection of Ladue Road and Ladue Pine Woods Place. The family asks passersby to make a donation to Youth In Need, and they’ve pledged to match donations received throughout December. Last year, the Koenemann family and community combined to raise more than $28,000 to support programs and services!